Creating heart to heart connections

hector combo

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Philosopher, Writer, Yoga Instructor and Shaman -- Hector Combo hosts the COMBO Show which features dynamic guests and open-ended conversations.

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the combo show

The COMBO Show is a dynamic, open-ended conversation with the World, the Other and myself. The COMBO show represents the unfoldment of my inner-path and the spontaneous & authentic connections I make along the way.






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7:00-8:00PM CST

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Yoga & Meditation

Dream Analysis

Shamanic Session

Latest Articles

Embracing optimism in the midst of darkness means transforming limitation into opportunity; limitations are invitations to transform ourselves and our surroundings.

I am sharing the firs update of my homesteading journey to challenge individuals to look beyond fear, and inspire others to imagine a new life filled with abundance

Today's News-Media are advertisements for corporations, for political agendas and underhanded sophistry intended to demoralize public opinion.

In this series of articles I am contextualize an open conspiracy unfolding at the US, Mexico border.

Transcending the Global Village

The restructuring of the multipolar world order by the "power-elite" continues in real time despite intense scrutiny and world-wide protests. The Environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards is the model for the Global Village.

The Multipolar restructuring of the world appears as if it is based on a ideological conflict, economic and social considerations. Outwardly, if we believe the theatrics, we can see these ideological conflicts play out in the geopolitical chess board.

Combo’s Top Articles

Digital environments are vehicles of containment in which individuals participate to further their own self-deception. This vital concept illustrates the magnitude of technocratic control, and our role in this collective madness.

The early 20th century political intrigue in the Balkans parallels today's geopolitical conflict in Eurasia. Expansionism, Imperialists' brinkmanship and a domino effect culminated in what essence is the greatest tragedy of modern history.

The critical difference between the propaganda of yesteryear and the iteration of today is that it relies on the interactive engagement of citizens. Propaganda is now a two way street unfolding in real-time with sophisticated data, behavioral & risk management tools.

Today's culture extols the primordial & adversarial passions through the archetypal Anti-Hero, but diffuses the civilizing drives for compassion, monogamous pair bonding and the heroic resolve to progress beyond our shortcomings. The popularity of the Anti-Hero is a response to the decades of demographic shifts, economic decline & social demoralization taking hold over American society.

Héctor Combo

Journalist, Yoga Instructor|

Host of the Combo Show

About Me

Combo’s journey into alternative research, podcasting and philosophy originates from an incessant curiosity to understand the bigger picture of reality. His unorthodox approach to media, research & activism drives him to go beyond established conventionality.

As a journalist, alternative researcher & Shaman --his passion is to extensively explore the intimate essence of Being in a post-human society.